Monday, April 6, 2009

d#rums / b'4CE

Amorphati wrote:
This is just a drumtrack I made today. Not sure how to continue. If one of you guys has an opinion on what this needs...

Well, the obvious answer to the question of what this needs is of course:

LawrenceMinute: the amorphati011 re'em-x 01

Anyway, when i heard this i thought that those awesome d#rums were yearning for some smooth action in the lower regions. That's why i added this lamenting bass part. It came to me by reverse time capsule from a forlorn future. Hopefully you'll like it.

LawrenceMinute: the amorphati011 re'em-x 02

This shit ain't done yet though. At least to me it feels like it could use a finishing touch. It needs something else! Anyone have any guud ideas?
Please download, add and post!


amorphati said...

Woa, that's e x a c t l y what it needed!

(I mean the cowbell of course..)

Lawrence Vriend said...

haha! right!