Tuesday, December 4, 2007

JKT028 - Just an idea

I've been playing this videogame at night, hence the lack of recent musical work. It's funny, I haven't really played any games for.. a year? Two? It's really been quite a while. I went over to a friend's house last week though and messed around for a bit with this game called Oblivion on his PS3, and it was just intriguing enough that when I came home that night I downloaded it for myself, for the PC.

Anyway, I don't generally play games because as soon as I start them I kinda go nuts about them for a little while and then get fed up or disgusted with them for one reason or another. Plus they take up valuable time in my life that I could be using to make some good music or do something actually worthwhile. I'm still waiting for that to happen with this game. It's pretty damn addictive.

Well anyway, been having this sort of song idea in my head for a few days, woke up this morning and took the laptop/guitar into the bathroom to record the idea quickly.
JeffMinute028: Just an idea

Think it might be a nice song in the end, unfortunately the acoustics of the room made the guitar a bit boomy so you can't hear the beauty of the main guitar part - there's a little high note that's descending 1/2 step by 1/2 step that sounds really nice, I think.

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