Tuesday, December 11, 2007

JKT029 - ambient lullaby

JeffMinute029: Ambient Lullaby

I've been listening a lot to this band called Stars of the Lid - they're a duo colocated in brussels and california who make some really incredible music that isn't quite ambient and isn't quite orchestral. I dunno, it's strange but beautiful. I sort of see them as the heirs of both Brian Eno and Philip Glass, and the things they pull off are really spectacular.

Anyway, Jon (of lightwires) came over last night to work on some new tunes, and for some reason we ended up recording this whole thing randomly. It was far too soothing for me though - something about that rhythmic rumble actually made me fall asleep right there at the keyboard while i was trying to record a drum track.

The aforementioned rhythmic rumble comes from playing some random guitar notes through a Line 6 DL-4 looping pedal and just tweaking it like crazy. The rest is from my sitar. It's about 4 minutes long, so be patient.

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