Monday, February 9, 2009

Is this thing on?


Testing, testing. My HTML is très mauvais. Even with DJ
Jeff's professional guidance it's been a long and arduous
journey. Although I did work out the accent grave all by
myself. Yeah kid!

So, many thanks to DJ Jeff and DJ Iwan for inviting me to
post some of my haamjaams. They've both been most kind
and encouraging. This is exciting! Jeff's already
posted 1 or 2 of my tunes and linked to my official
website so I guess I'll start off with the latest and
work my way forward in time. Actually, Jeff kind of
inspired this track when he shared some drum techniques
with me the other day. I sat down to take my drums to
the next lev (lv 0.149), and decided to throw some music
on there and this just sort of popped out. I think
you'll be hearing that from me a lot. I dunno how real
music creation goes but I sit down and something either
pops out or doesn't. I've sat down before to create
like, an islands jam and I've mashed the keys with my
palms for 45 minutes and walked away in disgust, head
held low. I was kinda drunk at the time too though.
So that's how I roll. Everything is an experiment at
this point. They say the devil's in the details and I'm
unprepared for the engagement. Enjoi!

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