Thursday, February 12, 2009

JKT047 - Real Instrument Emulation

JeffMinute047: Real Instruments?

Well, listening to Iwan's minute of a few days ago, I was really impressed by how well he sort of emulated not just a particular sound but a whole... well, society of music. The instant I pressed play I was transported to the old stone walls and sandy beaches of the eastern Med, all somehow captured on grainy VHS. it was really just staggering.

Anyway, that got me thinking about how cool that sort of thing was, and I thought I might try to make something that had some of the same atmosphere as an old motown recording in a way. I did this mostly on the train to and from work over the last few days, so it was pretty much all done using Reason and utter shitloads of mouseclicks. One of my goals here was to get it all sounding as much like real musicians playing real instruments in a real room (like the one pictured above) as I possibly could. I actually took it a bit further than this eventually, but I'll post the 2nd half tomorrow. Anyway, what do you think?

1 comment:

thomasean said...

holy piano realism! but the bass was too direct sounding - dull and flatish - could be a standup maybe?