Sunday, February 1, 2009

LocustCanasta! - Jeff's Locust, Iwan's Canasta

The image i had in mind initially when thinking of "Locust Canasta!" was actually a locust canasta party. You know... locusts playing canasta at a party. Therefore i had planned on making a festive canasta to Jeff's Locust. As time passed a different connotation and mood got associated with the term; it has become something more sad and bleak.

Locusts themselves in a way are a symbol for death. Their massive swarms bring famine and demise. This is why gradually my vision of Locust Canasta! has changed to that of a sad, sad woman playing canasta endlessly, imprisoned almost, anxiously clinging to those repetitive and boring patterns, over and over again, hoping to somehow stave off dementia and death while the locusts slowly but mercilessly gnaw their way through the final layers...

LocustCanasta!: Jeff's Locust, Iwan's Canasta

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