Monday, October 1, 2007

The inaugural project: MinuteMusic V 1.0

So this is the thing that started it all: the original Minute Music Project. The system of MMP1.0 was as follows:

  1. somebody makes a minute of music. can be any sort of music whatsoever
  2. this somebody chops off the last 10-15 seconds of their minute and sends it to their collaborator (or opponent, depending on how you look at it)
  3. the recipient receives the 10-15 seconds, listens, analyzes, holds it up to harsh scrutiny, then crafts a minute of music that picks up where those 10-15 seconds left off.
  4. the recipient, flush with the joy and power of having just created a fresh minute, lops off the last 10-15 seconds of their new minute and sends it off to MinuteMan #1.
  5. repeat ad infinitum.
So anyway, that's how it went, and this is how it sounded:

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