Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Minutes! Get them while they're still fresh!

LawrenceMinute0009: beware of the ultra-cheese!

God... that panflute... what was i thinking!?

JeffMinute0009: sweet dreams

Well, this one sort of expresses what I should be doing right now, consider it's 6:48am and I'm still sitting here in front of the computer. Gonna be a long day...

Crap! I just listened to this and realized it sounds just like that Ray LaMontagne song, what's it called?... umm... Be Here Now. Err, except mine sounds crappier. But it's like exactly the same sort of song, what a disappointment. Here, check this out, I'm a total subconscious plagiarist:

My god, it's even in the same key! How freeky. Seriously, I wasn't intending to do this when I started, I just recorded the 1st guitar part pretty randomly, then thought it would sound cool with some piano on top. Then once that was in there I just thought it could use some high breathy strings, i used these samples I have of cello harmonics being played.

It's seriously so strange to be absorbed in making something like this for a while, then suddenly listen to the finished piece and realize that you've unwittingly ripped off another song almost note-for-note. May be hard to believe, but I honestly didn't mean to do this...

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