Sunday, October 28, 2007

Finally, more sounds from Japan

Sorry 'bout the late posting, was up in the mountains for a few days at some hot springs. No internet, no mobile signal. Sounds, however, were sampled. The first is pretty simple - just the sound of me walking down a gravel country road in kimono and old-school japanese wooden sandals:

FukuokaSound006 - Clogs on road:

FukuokaSound007: Announcement on Bridge

FukuokaSound008 - Cheezy music from the Volcano Museum (google maps - see where this sound was recorded):

1 comment:

Iwan Albatros said...

FukuokaSound006: pics or it didn't happen! That volcano music is amazing - i would frequent the museum more often if they play those types of tunes! Very exciting stuff.