Friday, October 12, 2007

Turning it up to 11


This minute is brought to you by the makers of the 7/4 time signature.


I was working on the last bits of today's minute when i decided to check if Jeff had posted anything already. He had so i checked it out. Quite frankly it was the most amazing minute i have ever heard! Unfortunately my computer couldn't handle the sheer awesomeness of it all and crashed at about 80% of the song.

This is why i lost some of the later changes made to my minute. Because it's getting late already i figured i wouldn't bother redoing it. Instead seeing Jeff told me a little recording secret that those fat cat producers don't want you to know about i thought i would try it out for myself.

Basically the whole idea boils down to recording vocals at a comfortable pitch and then repitching them to the wanted key by slowing down or speeding up the play-back rate. I sang some random (and really stupid might i add) lyrics and then pitched it down. Unfortunately it didn't turn out as magical as Jeff's previous endeavor did. In fact i sound like a damn fool! Hear this mess for yourselves!

[Later that day:] I just realized something! Jeff recorded his in 7/4 time. Mine is just a boring ol' 4 to the floor... however... the loop is 7 measures long! Isn't that bizar? What i did is less obvious to the ear but when i started working on this minute it was a deliberate choice. We both independently felt the need to use this magical number in our compositions on the same day!

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