Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Japan-in-a-dishpan: Minute 1

LawrenceMinute0017: UltraJeff-pan vs. MechaGodzilla! Chapter 02 - The battle

This here minute depicts the epic battle between UltraJeff-Pan and MechaGodzilla. Apparantly aliens had built MechaGodzilla to conquer earth. But not if UltraJeff-Pan could help it!

So we start out with MechaGodzilla and UltraJeff-Pan duking it out tearing up Fukuoka as they go along. All of the sudden they pause for a moment and look each other in the eyes. Can they not be friends instead of enemies? Can this not be a world of love instead of hate? But then UltraJeff-Pan zaps MechaGodzilla with his Ultra Attack Beam striking a fatal blow. The rest of the minute is UltraJeff-Pan shaking his fists in the air and doing his gloating dance while MechaGodzilla's smoldering and lifeless remains are lying at his feet.

Barring the two FutureBeats i made in Reaktor everything came from the two building blocks Jeff supplied on monday. Of course the samples were first duely mangled, maimed and twisted before use. Jeff wouldn't want it any other way. Sick bastard.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha...full on funny....