Monday, October 29, 2007

Japan-in-a-dishpan: Minute 3


The latest news from Japan is that Jeff is away for a couple of days. Roaming the Japanese land ever searching for a heart of gold. That means ipso facto: no more sounds for me! We'll have to see what happens these next few days. I'll try to keep up the posting.

Mainly i mashed up the super awesome volcano music that Jeff supplied for this minute. Added some beats and a bass. There are some tuning issues however. Quite bad here and there actually, but generally bearable - at least to my busted ears. Will work on it some more if i feel like it.

Anyway i was planning on making a minute that celebrates the beautiful women of japan. Judging by Jeff's words there are quite a few in the good region of Fukuoka. So in the next few days i might try something to that effect. Who knows though... maybe more noisy stuff awaits!

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