Tuesday, March 24, 2009

In the mouth of madness

LawrenceMinute0088: Bending forks

I made this after a dream i had. I'm standing in a room that resembles the living room of my apartment - but it's not. Something doesn't feel right, it feels phony somehow. Remember that awesome scene in Labyrinth where our beautiful protagonist thinks she has safely returned to her bedroom? As it turns out she is standing in a junkyard facsimile of it. That's exactly the kind of vibe i'm extracting from my surroundings. This is no safe haven, this must be some diabolical recreation built with the intent of tricking me. I'm not at home, i'm standing in the mouth of madness. So all the while I'm inexplicably drawn to the kitchen. It's the silverware drawer specifically, beckoning me to open it. I approach it and slowly proceed to pull it towards me. Only then do i notice that... * gasp* ...all the forks... are twisted and bent out of shape!

Oh, the horror... the horror...

1 comment:

jeff said...

whoah!! ...

at the end of this minute, i'm sort of expecting a nuclear explosion or something!