Thursday, March 5, 2009

JKT061 - breathe easy

JeffMinute061: Breathe easy

After the last week of constant minutemaking, seems like it's time to lay back and rest. Hence this minute, recorded over the last hour or so, nice and easy, nice and slow.

nice to record some of the lesser-used instruments around the house too. brought the child's toy piano out of the closet, also this awesome pair of.. well, bells or something that I got in india a few years ago. Once you strike them together, they really just resonate on and on and on for ages, I really love the sound. And the stungun really recorded the whole uncorking & pouring of wine nicely, dontcha think? That thing is so wonderfully easy to use. Just stick it somewhere, hit record and voila - nice, transparent audio.


Iwan Albatros said...

Well, no one has said anything yet so i'll do it. This is the holy grail of minutes. Astonishingly beautiful plain and simple.

The only thing i have beef with... when you uncork that bottle of wine? Man, that just immediately reminds me of bubble spinner.

Tim Goode said...

This is absolutely magic