Monday, March 9, 2009


We all admire Jeff's musical prowess, his dedication to the blog and his lust for innovation. Yet i've viewed the rating system he has been testing on this blog with some skepticism. Ratings like these are arbitrary when you don't know the motivation for someone voting the way they did. The hope is that we, the collaborators, grow as musicians by sharing our music on this site; ultimately the goal is to inspire each other. My estimation is that an ugly anonymous 5-star based voting system is not going to prove beneficial to that cause.

People really should use the comment system instead if they wish to express their like or dislike, their thoughts on the music or any other constructive criticism they have to offer. A lot of insight can be gained from discussing music. Albeit reluctantly i think the first signs of discussion are starting to appear. In that respect i would like to commend DJ Haamphist for commenting so boldly and talking about his music so openly. I hope people feel encouraged to share their views.

To prevent the rating system from nipping these developing exchanges in the bud i'm going to cancel this little experiment. Can i do that you wonder? Well, i'm pulling minute seniority over all y'all bitches - so yeah, yes i can.


jeff said...


Iwan Albatros said...

OH, IT'S ON!!!

jeff said...


Iwan Albatros said...

dude... do you really want me to bring it? because i have to warn you, when i bring it i do indeed bring it. there will be plenty of bringing from my end. oh, how it will be brought.