Thursday, March 19, 2009

JKT067 - On the 3rd day, Nibbles arose

JeffMinute067: And there was much rejoicing

Amorphati's Nibbles minute was really kinda bothering me. Couldn't figure out how he composes stuff like that, was really mind-boggling for me somehow. Listened to it on constant loop, one measure at a time, first panned all the way to the right and then panned all the way to the left, recreating his composition note by note in reason. Then made all minor intervals major to make that shit sound happy, like a rebirth. I'm still stumped as to how to compose something like this though... Perhaps he will teach me. I'm on the train to Berlin right now.

1 comment:

amorphati said...

This is such an honor! And it must have been so much work. Amazing. Sounds good in major too.