Friday, March 13, 2009

JKT064 - a jazz beat

JeffMinute064: a jazz beat

was fooling around with the banjo this evening when i discovered that this sort of almost tremolo violin-like sound could be made by just sort of waggling your left hand on the fret you wanted to hear, the right hand only muting the other strings. Nifty, eh?

the rest is from reason, except for the too-loud record crackle recorded with the ZoomH4 & an old LP thrown on the turntable.

The goal? The feeling that you've just finished a nice brunch, have cleaned up the kitchen and are throwing an old favorite on the record player before sinking back into your favorite chair, with nothing whatsoever to do.

Reason: 03-12-2009b.rns
Non-Stock Refills:
Reason Pianos
Reason Drum Kits